Archive | December, 2011


11 Dec

My intent on starting over with a new blog (as opposed to my old one which was most often neglected, poor thing) is to prove that my life, in general, is worth writing about. I spend the few spare moments I have to myself during the day reading other moms’ blogs and thinking to myself: “If I’m able to so easily relate to these ladies, why is it that I don’t journal online as well?”.

Is it because my life isn’t on the same level of “interesting” as theirs?

Well. No, I don’t think that’s it.

Is it because  I just don’t have the time between working and playing and caring for my own child? 

Well. If they can do it, I should be able to too.

So, basically that leaves me sitting here excuse-less.

The ever so lovely, Miss Georgia over at Gregarious Peach dared her readers (I being one of them, obviously. I think) to complete a project that she started: to take a picture of your wee one(s) every single day for an entire year, starting January 1, 2012. The “365 project”.

Brilliant! This is just what I needed, I being the kind of person who needs somebody to challenge me in order for me to follow through with a task like this. Never a more appropriate time as my little darling turns ONE year-old (eek!) on January 2nd.
And so I will start this “365 project” on January 1st, New Years Day. The last day of her life as a less than 1 year-old. Her first birthday party ever.

It is here that I will chronicle my progress with this project, with hope that the pictures that I take will inspire me to write about them and what I was thinking/hoping/feeling in that moment.

I am actually really, really excited by this.